50+ Best happy new year quotes 2024 Images, Captions for social media

Every year is exciting because it’s a chance to make new beginnings, celebrate and wish friends and family a happy new year. You’ve come to the correct place if you’re seeking for some quick sayings and quotes to assist you start the new year.

All of the best short sayings and wishes for the new year, as well as short amusing quotes, motivational statements about making a fresh start, and short wishes and captions, have been collected here.

● Best Short Happy New Year Sayings in 2024

Happy New Year 2024! Don’t judge before you read, take a screenshot, and post it to social media.

Happy New Year! Cheers to a year filled with fun, love, and good health.

Happy New Year! Cheers to starting over when it comes to binge eating, drinking, and laziness.

Best wishes for the upcoming year and happy New Year! It will be necessary for both of us!

Both now and forever, happy New Year!

I’m wishing you a happy new year and hope that the year ahead brings you lots of blessings.

I hope you have a happy new year and bid farewell to the old one. Happy New Year!

Wishing you more and counting my blessings. I wish you pleasure in the coming New Year.

Let’s reflect on the previous year with fondest memories. Cheers to a Happy New Year.

With the warmest of intentions, let the old year come to an end and the new one begin. Happy New Year!

“What you needed to know was told to you last year. It’s time to travel this year! Happy New Year! ― Richie Norton

● Best happy new year quotes 2024

1. “To new beginnings and fresh starts.”

2. “Uncharted paths ahead,”

3. “New adventures, new year.”

4. “New vibes, new year.”

5. “May your 2024 be filled with sparkles.”

6. “Let’s work together to make this an unforgettable year. Kindly, in a positive way.”

7. “A journey is waiting for you.” Who’s ready to go?

8. “2024. I’m available to you.

9. “Hey, happy new year.”

10. “I am all here for the brilliant beginnings,”

11. “This year will be epic. At least that’s what I fervently hope.”

12. “May your aspirations surpass your uncertainties in the upcoming year.”

13. “Let’s welcome the unknown with wide smiles and inquisitive minds.”

14. “May the new year bring you joy and happiness.”

15. “I hope for sunny days, starry nights, and rainbows after rains this year.”

16. “A new beginning for a heart full of hope.”

17. “May the upcoming year bring you happiness.”

18. “Leading with hope.”

19. “The new year has arrived. Learning and development are necessary (ideally).

20. “I’m embracing change wholeheartedly.”

21. “I’m excited to see what interesting discoveries and inventions this year brings.”

22 – “Year following year. Where is the time going?

23. “That’s just the way it goes, a year in, a year out.”

24 – “I hope you have a sparkling and brilliant new year. Salutations!

“New year, same me,” says 25. Still very cute.

26. “New Year, me, same me, prettier than ever.”

27 – “2024 is here to stay, 2023 is out.”

28. “May the new year bring you happiness on every day.”

29. “Springing the year with a dash of love and sunshine.”

30. “To a year as beautiful as a kitten,”

● Best happy new year quotes 2024 - Authors

You are able to feel hopeful about the future. The past will not care. ―DePiano, Hillary

“Every instant is a brand-new beginning.” —T. S. Eliot

“Let him go, the year is passing; ring out the false, ring in the true.” — Tennyson, Alfred Lord

“January 1st. a new beginning. A fresh chapter that is still to be composed.- Breathnach, Sarah Ban

“Let’s toast to a new year and another opportunity to get it right.” —Oprah Winfrey

“Every man has a birthday on New Year’s Day.” —Charles Lamb

“You can always start over, no matter how difficult the past was.” —Buddha

“I adore starting something new. Whenever I looked at a calendar, it would always be January 1.- Jerry Spinelli

“See reality and set boundaries to your fantasies when the new year dawns!” ―Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

“A year of loss and discovery, of ending and beginning” ―C.J. Cherryh

“I’ve discovered that life will love you back if you love it.” —Arthur Rubenstein

“Change the world by being the change you wish to see.” —Ghandi

“A new chapter, a new verse, or merely the same old tale for the new year? In the end, we write it. We get to make the decision. —Morritt Alex

“Having a new year is not the purpose of a new year. It is that we ought to be born again. — Gilbert K. Chesterton

“Next year’s words await another voice, because last year’s words belong in last year’s language.” —Eliot, T. S.

“And now, let’s toast to a new year. Full of unrealized possibilities. —Rainer Maria Rilke

“To be the person you could have been, it’s never too late.” —George Eliot

“Like a chapter in a book, the new year lies ahead of us, ready to be written.” —Melody Beattie

“You can always dream a new dream or set a new goal at any age.” — C.S. Lewis

“The New Year is an unfinished painting.” Mehmet Murat ildan

“Life will reward you with a new hello if you have the courage to say farewell.” —Paulo Coehlo

“Every new beginning originates from the end of some previous beginning.” —Seneca

“Make a mental note that each day of the year is the best one ever.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

“I prefer the aspirations of the future to the chronicles of the past.” — Thomas Jefferson

“Never undervalue your ability to change the course of your life.” ―Germany Kent

“Appreciate endings because they lead to new beginnings.” —Jonathan Lockwood Huie

“You can always reinvent yourself at any age.” —Steve Harvey

“Behave as though your actions have an impact. Yes, it does. — James William

“The New Year has hardly begun. Let’s move forward to confront it.” ―Anusha Atukorala

“The year is new. A fresh start. And things are about to shift. —Taylor Swift

● Funny Happy New Year 2024 Quotes

“New year, old you.” ― A.D. Aliwat

“Since every day is a new year, treat it as such.” — Temitope Ibrahim

“An optimist welcomes the new year by staying up until midnight. A pessimist stays up late to ensure that the previous year ends.” — William E. Vaughan

“I decided many years ago that I would never set resolutions for the new year. Hell, I’ve only ever kept it as a resolution!”―D.S. Mixell

“Men who make good resolutions are just drawing checks from a bank they don’t have an account with.” —Oscar Wilde

“Don’t be scared to take a risk. It is the location of the fruit. —Frank Scully

“It won’t be boring, I promise, but I don’t know where I’m going from here.” —David Bowie

“Anything in excess is harmful, but an excess of Champagne is ideal.” —F. Scott Fitzgerald

“May your problems last as long as your resolutions for the New Year!” —Joey Adams

“A person who makes a resolution is a fool; one who breaks one is a weakling.” —F.M. Knowles

● Inspirational Happy New Year 2024 Quotes

“Don’t call it a life if you live in the same year 75 times.” —Robin Sharma

“January, the first month of the year, is the ideal time to begin anew.”—Charmaine J. Forde

Your current situation does not limit your future possibilities. They only specify where you begin. —Nido Qubein

“Happy bells, ring across the snow, and ring out the old and ring in the new.” Time is running out, let him go;

“Take the false out and put the true one in.” —Alfred Lord Tennyson

Make an adjustment if something doesn’t sit right. Alter your mindset if you are unable to make the shift. —Maya Angelou

“Life is about doing, being, and becoming—not about expecting, hoping, and wishing.” —Mike Dooley

“The work’s beginning is its most crucial section.” –Plato

“Becoming your true self as an adult requires courage.” —E.E. Cummings

“We write the script for our own lives.” ―Nike Campbell-Fatoki

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