How to Travel on a Budget In Your 20s? (2024)

Everyone wants to have the opportunity to travel. However, when we hear of people travelling the world, especially when they are young, we like to believe that travel is just for those who have money.

However, travelling the world is not only for rich children. Anyone can do it if they understand how to budget properly. You do not need a lot of money to travel. Anyone may travel to new locations and have amazing experiences if they know how to save and spend properly. So, don’t let the idea of being a “rich kid” stop you from dreaming big and travelling the world. It is possible for everyone!

Table of Contents

Tips For How to Travel on a Budget In Your 20s

There are so many tips to travel on baugets in your 20s but these are the most important tips for those who travel in young age and not that must rich . So let’s gets start –

1. Create a travel budget

How To Travel On A Budget In Your 20s
How to Travel on a Budget In Your 20s

Creating a travel budget is essential for planning a trip effectively. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create a comprehensive travel budget:

● Determine your total trip duration: Decide how many days you will be traveling.

 Research destination costs: Estimate expenses for accommodation, food, transportation, activities, and any other potential costs specific to your destination.

● Calculate transportation costs: Include flights, train tickets, rental cars, or any other mode of transportation you plan to use.

 Estimate accommodation expenses: Research hotel prices, Airbnb options, hostels, or any other lodging choices.

● Budget for food and drinks: Plan your daily meals and allocate a reasonable amount for dining out or groceries.

● Include activity and entertainment costs: Account for entrance fees, tours, excursions, and any other activities you want to experience.

● Factor in miscellaneous expenses: Budget for souvenirs, shopping, tips, and unforeseen expenses.

● Set aside money for emergencies: Have a contingency fund for unexpected situations like medical emergencies or lost belongings.

● Calculate total expenses: Add up all estimated costs to determine your total budget.

 Review and adjust: If your total exceeds your budget, consider cutting back on certain expenses or finding cheaper alternatives.

● Monitor your spending during the trip: Keep track of your expenses to ensure you stay within your budget.

● Consider using budgeting apps or spreadsheets: Tools like Mint, YNAB (You Need A Budget), or Google Sheets can help you track expenses and stay on budget.

2. Research and booking in advance

How To Travel On A Budget In Your 20s
How to Travel on a Budget In Your 20s

Researching and booking in advance for travel offers several advantages:

 Cost savings: Early bookings often result in lower prices for flights, accommodations, and tours.

● Better selection: Securing spots for popular attractions and tours ensures you won’t miss out on the experiences you desire.

● Less stress: Planning ahead reduces the anxiety caused by last-minute arrangements.

● Time management: Booking in advance gives you more time to organize your trip and prepare for your journey.

 Peace of mind: Knowing that everything is arranged beforehand eliminates worries about missing out on opportunities.

● Customized experiences: Making reservations in advance allows you to request special seating, dietary requirements, or other preferences.

● Access to exclusive deals: Early birds often receive discounts, extras, and benefits that aren’t offered later.

 Increased flexibility: With advanced bookings, you can change or modify your plans if needed.

3. Travel off-season

How To Travel On A Budget In Your 20s
How to Travel on a Budget In Your 20s

Traveling during off-seasons provides numerous benefits, including cost savings, reduced crowds, and unique experiences. Some key aspects of off-season travel include:

 Lower prices: Flights, accommodations, and tours are generally less expensive during off-seasons due to decreased demand.

 Smaller crowds: Popular destinations are less congested, allowing visitors to move freely and enjoy attractions without waiting in long lines.

● Improved accessibility: With fewer people competing for space, guests can secure tickets and seats on public transportation more easily.

● Enhanced flexibility: Off-season travelers often have greater freedom to alter their schedules since they face less competition for services.

● Greater availability of activities: Certain events, attractions, and outdoor recreational activities become accessible exclusively during off-seasons.

● Opportunity to witness local traditions: By traveling during traditional holidays or cultural events, visitors can immerse themselves in authentic customs and celebrations.

 Picturesque settings: Landmarks and natural sites appear more pristine and photogenic during off-seasons, providing excellent photo opportunities.

4. Choose budget-friendly destinations

How To Travel On A Budget In Your 20s
How to Travel on a Budget In Your 20s

When travelling on a budget in your 20s, it’s best to choose destinations that are automatically more economical. Some countries have lower costs of living or provide affordable travel options, making them ideal for budget visitors. Popular destinations include Southeast Asia, sections of Central and South America, and Eastern Europe.

These locations often provide cheaper food, lodging, and transportation choices, allowing you to spend your money more. By selecting low-cost destinations, you can have wonderful memories while keeping your spending under control. It’s an excellent method to get the most out of your trip experiences without breaking the budget.

5. Use budget airlines or transportation

To travel using budget airlines or transportation, follow these suggestions:

● Research low-cost airlines: Look for reputable budget airlines that serve your desired destinations, such as Ryanair, Easyjet, Frontier, Spirit, or Southwest.

● Compare prices: Ensure you’re comparing apples to apples by checking base fare prices, taxes, and additional fees.

● Be flexible with travel dates: Adjust your travel dates to find better deals, particularly midweek and shoulder season flights.

● Opt for secondary airports: Select flights departing from and arriving at secondary airports, which often offer lower landing fees and lower ticket prices.

● Minimize frills: Understand that budget airlines typically offer fewer amenities, such as assigned seating, inflight meals, and luggage included in the ticket price.

● Pay for extras: Prepare to pay for optional services like seat assignments, checked baggage, and in-flight refreshments.

● Utilize alternative modes of transportation: Consider taking buses, trains, or ride-sharing services to reach your destination once you arrive at your initial port of entry.

● Embrace the concept of budget travel: Accept that budget travel requires adaptability and willingness to forego some creature comforts.

6. Take advantage of student discounts

How to Travel on a Budget In Your 20s

If you’re a student, bring your student ID card and ask about discounts on transportation, destinations, and activities. Many countries and organisations offer special student rates, so it’s worth checking. Having a student ID can help your save money on transportation, museums, and other interesting activities.

Simply offer your card and discover if there are any savings available. It’s an excellent strategy to reduce the cost of your travel while also saving up money for other purposes. Always remember to bring your student ID and inquire about student discounts wherever you go.

7. Traveling Light

To travel lightly, consider the following tips:

● Reduce the number of items: Focus on bringing only necessary items instead of packing excessively.

● Implement the 1-2-3-4-5-6 rule: Pack one hat, two pairs of shoes, three bottoms, four shirts, five sets of undergarments, and six accessories.

● Choose multipurpose footwear: Invest in versatile shoes that can handle various terrains and activities.

● Prioritize neutral colors: Stick to a simple color palette to easily mix and match outfits.

 Pack lightweight materials: Opt for garments made of breathable, quick-drying, and wrinkle-free fabrics.

● Avoid carrying valuable items: Leave jewelry and valuables at home, and never pack anything fragile in your checked baggage.

 Perform in-sink laundry: Learn how to wash your own clothes to minimize the need for laundromats.

● Wear bulkier items: Put on the heaviest and bulkiest items, such as hiking boots, before boarding a plane.

● Determine whether to rent or ship gear: Assess the importance of specialized equipment and decide whether to rent or ship it.

● Check airline policies: Familiarize yourself with airline regulations concerning carry-ons and checked bags.

8. Take advantage of travel rewards

How to Travel on a Budget In Your 20s

To take advantage of travel rewards, consider the following strategies:

● Choose the right credit cards: Select cards that offer generous rewards for your preferred travel habits, such as airfare, lodging, or dining.

● Meet minimum spending thresholds: Reach the required amount to activate welcome bonuses and ongoing rewards.

 Pay your bill on time: Late payments can lead to higher interest charges, reducing the net value of your rewards.

● Use points and miles strategically: Transfer points to airlines and hotels, or redeem them for free flights and stays rather than gifts or merchandise.

 Plan for extended trips: Accumulating points and miles becomes more efficient when traveling longer distances or for extended periods.

● Maintain good credit scores: High credit scores increase approval odds for credit cards with attractive rewards programs.

● Track changes in rewards programs: Stay current on updates to ensure you continue receiving maximum value from your chosen travel rewards cards.

● Leverage partnerships: Exploit relationships between airlines, hotels, and credit card issuers to maximize rewards.

● Consolidate loyalty programs: Focus on one primary airline alliance or hotel chain to simplify accrual and redemption processes.

● Watch for promotional offers: Capitalize on temporary incentives, such as double points or mileage bonuses.

9. Connect with locals - Pro Tips

Connecting with locals while traveling can greatly enhance your experience. Here are some ways to do so:

● Embrace Couchsurfing: Use platforms like Couchsurfing to find locals who offer free accommodation or meet-ups for cultural exchanges.

● Attend Language Exchanges: Participate in language exchange events to meet both locals and travelers, fostering cultural connections.

● Join Facebook Expat Groups: Engage with expat communities on Facebook to gain insights into local life, hidden gems, and language tips.

● Use Explore Meetup groups related to your interests or activities to connect with like-minded locals and travelers.

● Try Bumble BFF: Utilize apps like Bumble BFF to find individuals with similar interests for coffee dates, museum visits, or other activities.

 Participate in Airbnb Experiences: Engage in unique travel experiences offered by locals through Airbnb Experiences to immerse yourself in the local culture.

● Ride Public Transportation: Use local modes of transportation like metros, buses, or ferries to interact with residents and observe daily life.

● Eat Local Cuisine: Try street food or dine at local eateries to engage with vendors and experience authentic flavors.

 Learn Basic Phrases: Make an effort to learn simple greetings and phrases in the local language to facilitate communication and show respect.

● Get Lost Intentionally: Wander off the beaten path without a map to seek directions from locals, fostering spontaneous interactions and discoveries.

10. Travel with a group

How to Travel on a Budget In Your 20s

Traveling with a group offers several benefits, including shared costs, enhanced safety, and increased camaraderie. Here are some tips for organizing and participating in group travel:

● Identify your purpose: Determine why you wish to travel with a group—whether it’s to save money, share experiences, or simply enjoy companionship.

 Find compatible travel partners: Seek out fellow travelers with similar interests, values, and expectations.

 Organize logistics: Coordinate flight details, accommodations, ground transportation, and itineraries among group members.

● Share responsibilities: Divide tasks such as booking, planning, and paying bills equitably among group members.

● Set clear expectations: Discuss group dynamics, decision-making processes, and conflict resolution strategies prior to departure.

● Communicate regularly: Keep group members updated on travel developments, ensuring everyone remains informed and engaged throughout the process.

 Respect individual boundaries: Honor each member’s privacy, preferences, and limitations.

 Celebrate successes: Recognize achievements and milestones along the way, promoting team cohesion and morale.

● Address challenges promptly: Deal with issues as soon as they arise, minimizing conflicts and maintaining harmony.

 Foster positive memories: Encourage group bonding through shared experiences, laughter, and mutual support.

11. Use local SIM cards or Wi-Fi hotspots

Instead of paying extra for using your phone internationally, you can stay connected for less money by purchasing local SIM cards or using Wi-Fi hotspots. When you travel, instead of using your regular SIM card, you can buy a new one from a local provider. This way, you’ll have a local phone number and can save money on calls and data.

Another option is to connect to Wi-Fi hotspots, which are found in a variety of locations such as cafes, hotels, and public areas. You can stay connected without having to pay expensive roaming fees if you use these methods.

12. If Possible Work while on travel

When settling how to travel on a budget in your 20s, you could wish to consider working while travelling. This can be an excellent way to reduce your travel expenses.

Finding a remote job is one of the most easy ways to work while travelling. Many companies now provide remote work options, allowing you to work from anywhere with an internet connection.

  • Freelancing
  • Remote job boards
  • Digital Nomad
  • Programmes
  • Teaching English Online
  • Starting Your Own
  • Business

13. Eat like a local

To eat like a local while traveling, consider the following tips:

 Visit traditional markets: Shop for fresh produce and ingredients at local markets to prepare dishes authentically.

● Consult local guides: Ask knowledgeable sources, such as restaurant staff or tour guides, for recommendations on regional cuisines and dishes.

● Attend culinary festivals: Immerse yourself in local gastronomy by attending food festivals and celebratory events.

● Sample street food: Indulge in local street foods to taste the true flavor of the area.

● Cook with locals: Participate in cooking classes or join a dinner party hosted by locals to learn about local recipes and techniques.

 Eat with locals: Share meals with locals to gain insight into their customs and traditions.

 Explore lesser-known neighborhoods: Venture outside major tourist areas to discover hidden gems and local favorites.

● Read local blogs and websites: Research online resources created by locals to learn about their favorite restaurants and dishes.

 Use local food delivery services: Order from local delivery services to sample authentic dishes delivered directly to your doorstep.

● Be adventurous: Don’t shy away from trying unusual dishes; embrace the challenge and expand your culinary horizons.

Is it worth travelling in your 20s?

If you’re in your 20s and wondering if it’s interesting to travel when you have so many other responsibilities and financial concerns, the answer is undoubtedly yes. Here is why.

● Travelling in your 20s allows you to experience the world in a unique and exciting way. When you’re young, you’re ready to try new things and take risks. It can be an amazing journey that improves your worldview and allows you to grow as a person.

● Travelling in your 20s can be more affordable than you might think. Travel may become a reality if you manage your money wisely, keep track of your spending, and make good use of available resources.

● Also, travelling in your 20s has long-term advantages in both your personal and professional lives. By involving yourself in different cultures and meeting new people, you gain more knowledge and develop valuable skills that will benefit you in many areas of life. Look for areas where you can cut costs.



In your 20s, traveling on a budget is not just a financial necessity but a gateway to self-discovery, cultural enrichment, and lifelong memories. You may have an enjoyable vacation experience without breaking the budget by planning ahead of time, making wise decisions, and accepting the unexpected.

Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs )

Explore hostel booking platforms and consider alternative options like Couchsurfing for unique and affordable stays.

Absolutely! Enjoy local culture, choose affordable activities, and choose what is most important to you.

Many budget airlines offer reliable services, but it’s essential to research and read reviews before booking.

Utilize public transport, explore ridesharing, and be flexible with your travel dates to find the best deals.

With proper precautions, street food can be a delightful and safe culinary adventure. Choose busy stalls and trust your instincts.

Sign up for travel rewards programs, use affiliated credit cards, and accumulate points for significant savings on future travels.

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